Saturday 24 January 2015

3 Months In...

...Whats new with you?

So, we've been living in the house for a few months now, and we absolutely love it! 

The guest rooms got their first official visitors over the Xmas break, and I took great pleasure in getting them ready for their inhabitants!
Main Guest Bedroom

Second Guest Bedroom

We have thinned out some of the scraggly bits and pieces from the front of the block, but we haven't done much else externally. 

No more twiggy bits

Burning the piles

To be honest, the works outside have kind of taken a back seat, as just after we moved in, we discovered there was a new project to focus on.

Pretty soon, in 20 weeks actually, the last spare bedroom will have a new inhabitant! 
The start of a new adventure!

So, between having my head in the toilet bowl (not fun, just in case you wondered!) and the regular goings on that life brings, we've been busy getting the room ready for the new bub!

Strap in, I think we're in for a wild ride!